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the jamaican bible: a not-for-profit joint undertaking that is spearheaded by the Bible Society of the West Indies.

Emancipation Day Text: Luuk 1:67-79

Zakaraiya Sang

67 Di Uoli Spirit tek kanchual a Jan faada, so Im staat fi se: 

68 Priez di Laad, Izrel Gad,
kaaz im kom an frii im piipl.
69 Im sen wan powaful smadi fi siev wi.
De powaful smadi ya,
kom fram di fambili a Gad sorvant
70 Jos laik ou im did taak chuu im uoli prafit dem
wie bak wen an se:
71 im a go siev wi fram wi enimi dem
an fram di wan dem we iet wi
an av powa fi ort wi.
72 Im se im wuda gud tu wi faada faada dem
an im memba im uoli
73 Di pramis im mek tu wi
faada Iebraham,
74 fi siev wi fram dem we iet wi.
So wi kyan du we im waahn
wi fi du an no fried;
75 So wi kyan liv
wan gud an kliin laif
til wi ded.

76 Mi pikni Jan, piipl a go kaal
yu wan prafit fi di Muos Ai,
kaaz yu a go gwaan til im kom
an get im piipl redi fi im;
77 Yu a go mek Gad piipl nuo se
di laad a kom fi siev dem;
Im a go paadn dem so dem kyan
get siev.
78 Siek a ou Gad gud an kain tu wi,
di maanin son a go
shain dong pan wi.
79 It a go shain pan di wan dem we a liv
iina di daak
an we fried fi ded.
An im a go shuo wi ou
fi liv iina piis.”

Happy Holidays everyone!

Local Launch Dates

Add to these 6 Church launches a launch at Northern Caribbean University, University of the West Indies and several North American Launches - USA (Florida & New York) and Canada!!! Patwa tu di worl!

We look forward to seeing you somewhere!

I Wod lis Wi Ha Nou / Our Current Wordlist!

I kompyuta pruogram we wi rait wi chanslieshan iina kyaahn du nof sitn.  Wan a i sitn dem i kyaahn du a mek wahn lis a ebri wod wi ha iina wi chanslieshan! Wan a i gud sitn dem bout i a dis ya: wi kyahn go chuu ahn luk pahn evri wod wi chansliet widoutn afi riid ebri buk wan bai wan! Wi kyahn fain rang/bad speln, wod we tuu Inglish, tingz we wi hafi go saat out wen i kom aan tu ou dem soun, et cetera. Wi no staat fi go chuu i lis yet; so, yu wahn elp wi out? Ef yu wahn fi elp wi, wi lach aan i lis aanda ya so.
The software into which we enter our translation is able (amongst other things) to generate a list of every word we've entered into it! One of the advantages of such a feature is that we are able to go through the translation without having to read through entire books and quickly identify misspelling, possible occurrences of Anglicisation, issues that need phonological clarification, etc. Seeing we've not yet done a check of our list, would you like to help us?! If so, have a look at the document below!

JCTP Wordlist

Luuk Buk Project: Latest Update

The Bible Society of the West Indies has been engaged in a project to translate the New Testament into our Jamaican Creole since the early 1990s.

Prior to deciding to translate the entire New Testament at once, the Society embarked on several minor productions.  The most recently completed of these is Luke's account of the Gospel, the “Luuk Buk Project”. The Project is scheduled to be released in Jamaica in a series of launches in August 2010. The UK launch took place in May; the North American (Canada and US) takes place in October.
Our hope is that these launches will serve as a precursor to our larger goal of making the Scriptures available to Jamaicans (at home and in the Diaspora) in their mother tongue, and as a forerunner to the release of the entire New Testament in 2012.   

It is to this end, that we’ve invited Church leaders to join us at a breakfast launch of the “Luuk Buk on Wednesday, 28th July, 2010 at the Knutsford Court Hotel, 11 Ruthven Road, Kingston 10 at 7:30 a.m. 

On this occasion, it is our plan to present attendees with a CD of Luuk in audio and written formats.  It will also be an opportunity to remind them of the philosophy that drives our translation endeavour as well as to update them on our progress.

We are also embracing the opportunity to listen to any suggestions/guidance that the gathering may offer; as it is our thinking that by collaboration and cooperation we can synergize our efforts so that the Word of God can have a greater impact on our people.