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the jamaican bible: a not-for-profit joint undertaking that is spearheaded by the Bible Society of the West Indies.


The Jamaican New Testament (JNT) is highly praised by people of high esteem. People in the church and people outside the church. Listen to what some of them have to say: 

1.“Thanks to the BSWI for providing the JNT  in our heart language and for providing the church with an effective means of spreading the Good News of the Gospel” - Rev. Dr. M. Lewis, President, UTCWI

2. “The BSWI, as a servant of all the churches and in the service of both the country and the Kingdom, is to be warmly congratulated on the publication of the JNT” - Dr. Gosnell Yorke, Adjunct Professor of Religion, NCU

3. “Di Bible translated into the Jamaican language is good for the Bible; but it is better for the Language” - Prof. Hubert Devonish, UWI

4. “...for those of us who love the Bible, for those of us who read the Bible, for those of us who share the Bible and those of us who love the Jamaican language, this is excellent” - Her Excellency, The Honorouble Aloun Ndombet-Assamba, Jamaican High Commissioner to London

5. “The Scriptures in my heart language has provided me with amazing inspiration to write new songs that have been a blessing both to me and the many others who have been using them in worship”  Miss Jo-Ann Richards, Ethnomusicologist, CREW 40:4

6. “At last! A  translation of the New Testament in our own language. The Venerable English in modern dress cannot cross it” - Dr. Delano Palmer, Former Academic Dean, JTS

7. "Wycliffe Caribbean as well as Wycliffe Global Alliance Americas have been looking forward to this event and we congratulate the Bible Society of the West Indies for a job well done" - Elder John Roomes, CEO/Director, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Caribbean

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