About Us

the jamaican bible: a not-for-profit joint undertaking that is spearheaded by the Bible Society of the West Indies.

How Far Are We?

The software that we (and most Bible Translators) type our translation into, Paratext, has a Progress Tracking utility. This utility helps us manage and monitor team progress internally. It also assists us when reporting on project progress.

Within a typical translation project, each book passes through multiple "stages." The Project Progress Tracking utility defines 4 commonly used default stages (others can be added, but we have decided to work with these four). Progress for each stage can be tracked at a book, chapter or verse level. Our stages are as follows:

  1. 1st Draft – this involves a translator's first attempt at translating a book. This book will have the translator's signature (Signature Translator)
  2. 2nd Draft – this is a form of the text that results from 1] translators reviewing each others 1st drafts and 2] translators meeting together to discuss/review each others work.
  3. 3rd Draft – there are 3 sub-stages to this stage. 1] Exegetical review of the 2nd drafts by our Exegetical Consultant. The Signature Translator makes the necessary adjustments to the text in light of the exegetical feedback received after which the text is sent to 2] our Linguistic Consultant for review. The Signature Translator makes the necessary adjustments to the text in light of the linguistic feedback received after which the text is finally submitted to 3] our Translation Consultant who further comments on the translation and suggests changes where he deems necessary! When our Consultant is satisfied with a book, he signs off on it. It is after this detailed external review process that a book enters its 4th and final stage.
  4. 4th Draft - studio production and release to the public
Based on the stage each book is at, Paratext calculates an overall percent completion and estimated completion date. So far, 75% of project has been completed. The estimated completion date is 2011!

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